辽宁师范大学副教授,硕士生导师,化学实验教学(省级)示范中心主任。2019年入选辽宁省百千万人才工程“千层次”,2023年入选大连市知识产权专家库入库专家,2015年入选大连市青年科技之星。长期从事原子转移自由基聚合(atom transfer radical polymerization, ATRP)及相关功能聚合物的制备等工作。长期讲授物理化学、物理化学实验、电分析化学等本科生、研究生课程,深耕在教学一线,积极从事课程思政的相关教育教学研究。
第一章 绪论
1.1 物理化学实验的目的和要求
1.2 物理化学实验室安全知识
1.3 误差分析和数据处理
1.4 常用实验数据处理软件 Origin 的使用
第二章 基础实验
实验 1 燃烧焓的测定
Experiment 1 Determination of the Heat of Combustion
实验 2 氨基甲酸铵分解反应平衡常数的测定
Experiment 2 Determination of equilibrium constants for the decomposition reaction of ammonium carbamate
实验 3 凝固点降低法测定葡萄糖的摩尔质量
Experiment 3 Determination of molar mass of glucose by freezing point depression
实验 4 双液系的气-液平衡相图
Experiment 4 Binary gas-liquid phase diagram
实验 5 KCl-HCl-H2O 三组分系统相图的绘制
Experiment 5 Construction of the phase diagram for the KCl-HCl-H2 O ternary system
实验 6 蔗糖水解反应速率常数的测定
Experiment 6 Determination of the rate constant for sucrose hydrolysis reaction
实验 7 乙酸乙酯皂化反应速率常数的测定
Experiment 7 Determination of the rate constant for the saponification reaction
of ethyl acetate
实验 8 原电池电动势的测定和相关热力学函数的计算
Experiment 8 Determination of electromotive force of galvanic cell and calculation of thermodynamic functions
实验 9 电势-pH 曲线的测定与应用
Experiment 9 Determination and application of potential-pH curve
实验 10 循环伏安法研究铁氰化钾的电化学行为
Experiment 10 Study of the electrochemical behavior of potassium ferrocyanide using cyclic voltammetry
实验 11 最大泡压法测定溶液的表面张力
Experiment 11 Determination of surface tension of solution by maximum bubble pressure method
实验 12 溶液吸附法测量固体物质的比表面
Experiment 12 The specific surface area determination of solid materials by solution adsorption methods
实验 13 溶胶的制备和性质研究
Experiment 13 Preparation and properties of sol
实验 14 黏度法测定水溶性高聚物的平均摩尔质量
Experiment 14 Determination of average molar mass for water-soluble macromolecules by viscosity method
实验 15 配合物的磁化率测定
Experiment 15 Determination of the magnetic susceptibility for the complex
实验 16 甲醛分子的结构和性质的计算化学研究
Experiment 16 Computational chemistry study of the structure and properties of formaldehyde
实验 17 甲烷分子的结构和性质的计算化学研究
Experiment 17 Computational chemistry study of the structure and properties of methane
实验 18 富勒烯在不同工作介质中的电化学行为研究(虚拟仿真实验)
Experiment 18 Study on the electrochemical behavior of fullerene in different working media ( virtual simulation experiment)
第三章 综合实验
实验 19 气相色谱法测定非电解质溶液的热力学函数
Experiment 19 Determination of thermodynamic function of non-electrolyte solution by gas chromatography
实验 20 生物酶催化反应动力学常数的测定
Experiment 20 Determination of kinetic constants of reaction catalyzed by bioenzyme
实验 21 电导法测定水溶性表面活性剂的临界胶束浓度
Experiment 21 Determination of the critical micelle concentration of water-soluble surfactants by conductivity
实验 22 溶液法测定极性分子的偶极矩
Experiment 22 Determination of dipole moments of polar molecules by solution method
实验 23 常压顺-丁烯二酸催化氢化
Experiment 23 Catalytic hydrogenation of maleic acid at normal pressure
实验 24 氨分子与水分子的二聚体稳定结构及其氢键强度预测
Experiment 24 Prediction of stable structure and hydrogen bond strength for dimer of ammonia and water molecules
第四章 研究设计型实验
实验 25 氧氟沙星在固体电极表面的电化学行为
Experiment 25 Electrochemical behaviour of ofloxacin on the surface of solid electrode
实验 26 稀土金属直接加氢制备纳米稀土金属氢化物
Experiment 26 Preparation of nano rare earth metal hydride by direct hydrogenation of rare earth metal
实验 27 低温等离子体直接分解 NO
Experiment 27 Direct decomposition of NO by low-temperature plasma
实验 28 氢质子交换膜燃料电池的组装与性能测试
Experiment 28 Fabrication and properties determination of hydrogen proton exchange membrane fuel cells
实验 29 甲烷生成焓和燃烧焓的理论计算
Experiment 29 Theoretical calculation of enthalpy of formation and combustion enthalpy of methane
实验 30 分子中原子电荷的理论计算
Experiment 30 Theoretical calculation of atomic charge in molecule
第五章 课程思政建议